Features that make for a Successful Service!

Service Features

Here at 1st Valet Trash, we offer technology enhanced services to fit your needs, including:
GPS enhanced service tracking
Convenient timeframe for residents to place trash out
Multiple weekly pickups starting promptly @ 7 or 8PM
Free resident interior waste containers provided

Our Valet Trash service can be structured to take into account any community’s unique aspects, as well as provide the most comprehensive service for your residents.

Our Features of Service make for a successful valet trash service for management teams and residents alike.

Your Service Providers wear a reflective “valet trash” vest and use industrial carry bags to reduce drips. We also monitor and report the compactor’s status to management, perform nightly audits for missed pickups and late placements, and provide uniform and consistent resident communication concerning the service.

Technology enhanced service via our custom mobile app provides accountability, accuracy, and dependability for our clients!

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